
Exploring What’s in the Dark

Can we all agree adulting can be hard?  We work, pay bills, take care of others, wait in line at the DMV – you get the picture! BUT there is also a bright side to being an adult! We work hard so we can play hard!

While summer lends itself to many fun things we can do (especially here in NoVa) – swim, hike, ride bikes, garden, and explore outdoor treasures – fall is THE season for “spook”tacular adventures!  Here are some fun things you can do in the dark to celebrate and welcome the Fall season:

Haunted Houses and Adventures:

Not sure when haunted houses became a “thing” outside of Disneyland, but there is no shortage of haunted houses and things that tap you in the dark in our area.  As if driving by battlefields and cemeteries weren’t enough, the city of Leesburg has taken it one step further by celebrating Shocktober (benefiting ARC), and they have the distinct honor of being named the fifth scariest haunted house in the country.  If that doesn’t put the “scared” in scaredy cat we don’t know what will.

Corn Mazes:

Thanks to the 1984 thriller, Children of the Corn, I can never look at a field of corn the same again. As I look out, I should see beautiful tall stalks of one of my favorite vegetables, but really all I see are murderous children waiting for me in the corn field – thanks for that Stephen King.

Apparently, I am not the only one that sees corn fields as a way to put a little fright in my night.  Check out some of these a”maze”ing corn fields that might even scare the children of the you-know-what.

Spooky Cemeteries and Graveyards:

If those words don’t give you the chills nothing will!  For anyone that likes their thrills and chills served cold and outside, preferably on a foggy night, then these cemeteries are your stomping grounds.  Can you imagine the ghosts and spirits that lurk around from the battles fought here in VA?  Not to mention the presidents that have lived in our state – well, it’s enough to send shivers down your spine!  Grab a flashlight, a few brave friends and head to these hallowed grounds and see the spirits waiting to welcome you.

Since you can’t count on a headless horseman to see where they’re going and take you where you need to be, count on Reston Limo to take you and your fellow creatures of the night on your “spook”tacular adventures.

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